Join the club
We accept applications on a rolling basis and hold meetings every month.
You will need to tell us your reasons for applying, which should refer to our membership eligibility criteria.
Please don’t include any information you don’t feel comfortable sharing with us.
We review each application individually, to help protect the safety of club members. This means it may take up to two weeks to hear back from us.
When we review your application, we’re just checking that you exist and that you meet the two criteria. If we’re not clear on this, we’ll get in touch.
We take your privacy very seriously. You can read about our approach to confidentiality here, or if you’re the sort of person who loves a GDPR policy, fill your boots.
Based outside the UK?
You are welcome to join! We are based in the UK, but we have members in multiple countries and we hope to offer meetings in a range of timezones in the future.
To keep our insurers happy, we have to let you know that:
Your membership of the club will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England & Wales. The courts of England & Wales have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute arising out of or in connection with your membership of the club. By applying to join, you are accepting these terms.
Is it for me?
Membership is open to anyone who is:
Is working for social change (aka social, economic or environmental justice), and
Has experience of mental ill-health, distress and/or trauma.
All members of the club are also asked to follow our club agreement, which sets out shared expectations for how we’ll behave within and beyond the space.
You might be a user or a survivor of mental health services. You might avoid mental health services. You might not be able to access mental health services.
You might have a diagnosis of a mental health condition. You might reject a diagnosis of a mental health condition. You might not be able to access a diagnosis of a mental health condition.
You might take psychiatric medication. You might reject psychiatric medication. You might not be able to access psychiatric medication.
You might consider yourself to be Mad. You might reject this label. You might not know what you think.
What matters is who you are and what you’ve experienced.
Privacy and confidentiality
While we long for a world that doesn’t stigmatise our experiences and discriminate against us, we have to survive in a world that does.
Because of this, we’ll treat any information you share with us with the highest level of care. We will never share your data with anyone else or use it for any purposes other than running Antinormality Club. You can find out more in our data protection policy.
Meetings are open only to people who have experienced mental ill-health, distress and trauma. Meetings are held on the basis of complete confidentiality - club members are not permitted to share any details of who attended or what was said. If we have something to say to the world, we’ll decide that together.
Your story is yours alone - you will always have control over what you share and when:
You are invited to be open about your experiences, but you will not be expected or pressured to do so
Anything you share in Antinormality Club meetings will be strictly confidential
If we raise our voice publicly, we will do so collectively, always with the option of anonymity.